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来源: | 发布时间:2011-02-17 | 发布人:admin | 浏览次数:3812
18th Triennial Conference of the European Association for Potato Research (EAPR2011)
Oulu, Finland, 24 to 29 July 2011
The conference will take place close to one of the five High Grade Seed Potato Production Zones in Europe in the northernmost area of the world with intensive agricultural production.
Full details are available from the conference website www.eapr2011.com
The deadline for both early registration and abstract submission is 31 March 2011.
上一条: 关于参加2011年中国马铃薯大会品种展示的通知
下一条: 2011年中国马铃薯大会通知
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